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Админские команды
Admin Commands Description
amx_kick [reason] Kicks a player from the server.
amx_ban [reason] Bans a player from the server.
amx_addban [reason] Adds a ban to the server ban list.
amx_unban Unbans a player from the server.
amx_slay Slays a player.
amx_slap [damage] Slaps a player for variable damage.
amx_leave [tag1] [tag2] Kick all players not wearing one of the tags.
amx_pause Pauses or unpauses the game.
amx_who Displays who is on the server.
amx_cvar [value] Changes or displays a cvar value.
amx_map Changes the map.
amx_cfg Executes a server side config file.
amx_rcon Executes a command on the server console.
amx_plugins Lists all loaded plugins.
amx_modules Lists all loaded modules.

Chat Commands Description
amx_say Sends a message to all players in normal chat.
amx_chat Sends a message to all players in normal chat.
amx_psay message Sends a private message to a player.
amx_tsay Sends a left side HUD message to all players in various colors.
amx_csay Sends a center HUD message to all players in various colors.

VoteCommands Description
amx_votemap [map] [map] [map] Kicks a player from the server.
amx_votekick Starts a vote to kick a player.
amx_voteban Starts a vote to ban a player.
amx_vote Starts a custom poll.
amx_cancelvote Cancels the last poll in progress.

Stats Commands Description
/hp Displays information about the player that killed you.
/statsme Displays your stats.
/stats Displays other players stats.
/top15 Displays the top 15 players on the server.
/rank Displays your rank on the server.

Say Commands Description
nextmap Displays the next map in the maycycle.
timeleft Displays the time left on the map.
thetime Displays the current time.

Menu Commands Description
amxmodmenu Displays the main AMX Mod X menu.
amx_cvarmenu Displays the CVAR menu.
amx_mapmenu Displays the map change menu.
amx_votemapmenu Displays the map voting menu.
amx_kickmenu Displays the kick menu.
amx_banmenu Displays the ban menu.
amx_slapmenu Displays the slap/slay menu.
amx_teammenu Displays the team switch menu.
amx_clcmdmenu Displays the client commands menu.
amx_restmenu Displays the weapons restrictions menu.
amx_teleportmenu Displays the teleport menu.
amx_pausecfgmenu Pause/Unpause plungins with menu.
amx_statscfgmenu Displays stats configurations menu.
Категория: О Counter-Strike | Добавил: Stef (07.03.2008) | Автор: SteF
Просмотров: 3821 | Комментарии: 6 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 5
1 wiNNy  
amxmodmenu - там вся менюшка

2 AR21SR  
а что все на английском?

3 spaun  
ну а где находится эта amxmodmenu ???ПОДСКАЖИТЕ...

4 Дима  

5 женя  
ну а где находится эта amxmodmenu ???ПОДСКАЖИТЕ...(заходишь на сервер открываешь консоль и пишешь amxmodmenu

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